Monday, April 25, 2011

The Passion

Yesterday I watched the Passion of the Christ, Three words, Its Was Awesome!!!!!. It really touched my heart, I cried Thought the whole Movie. Jesus is truly amazing!!. And he is coming home.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter my friends!!!!!!!!!. Me and my friend just finished a youtube video, That was fun, well Happy Easter too all my viewers. I had Pancakes  and fruit for my Dinner, and for Dessert we had Tuxedo Truffle, That thing is beast. I hope you had a wonderful Easter I know I did. Here is a little pic my friend took for Easter.

Friday, April 22, 2011


1000 Views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Wow guys thank you so much, its so amazing I have 1000 views in one month, WOW.

Lego Military Moc

In just 30 minutes  look what you can build, I built a Lego Military Moc thats just so cool!!!!. 

Black Ops Challenge

Here we have, Drum Roll Please... ExpertThief. Boy does He have a challenge for you.

Modern Art

Here is some Modern Art, That I found online. It is really Cool and Modern, Duh its called Modern Art. LOL

Beach Justice

This is Beach Justice, and here is the behind the scenes.

Black Ops crazy HighRoller Gun Game

Here we have a crazy Black Ops HighRoller Gun Game, by You guessed it... ExpertThief.

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows everywhere.

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows everywhere, that is what describes Vancouver Washington this morning. It is so Sunny, But alas I could not go outside because the day before I had Dance Class at Groove Nation, and so my legs where so sore. But I enjoyed lemonade in the shade.

Black Ops Gun Game flawless Gameplay/Commentary

Here we have a Black Ops flawless Gun Game, by ExpertThief again.

Halo Reach Sniper and Needler Rifle Pawnage

ExpertThief Here is doing some Sniper and Needler Rifle Pawnage and Ownage. Its a really funny Commentary, So make sure to watch the full thing.

Black Ops Flawless Gameplay/Commentary

Here we have a flawless Black Ops gameplay from ExpertThief.

Corvette's, Harley Davidsons, and Surf Boards.

Corvette's, Harley Davidsons, and Surf Boards. They give me the feel the beach, and the breezy wind.

Beautiful Lego Mosaic

Here is a beautiful Lego Mosaic that I found online.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lego Iron Man

Here we have a 55cm Lego Iron Man. My dad said yesterday, Hey son your such a good Lego builder, and I was like you have no idea.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saving Power

This song touches my heart so much. Listen to it and listen to the lyrics, there are so powerful.


This is Paradise. 


Today I am going to GU witch stands for.... Generation Unleashed!!!!!!. Its just a place when god comes and helps me in all my sorrow and stress, He loves me and gives me Strength. So if any of my readers live in Vancouver Washington Google City Bible Church and go youth and there you will find directions. So stop by You will love it. Oh and by the way too find me my name is Jubal Blade Rancourt, And also I will me dancing on the stage. So cya there 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mom's make the best Food

The dinner my mom made was just fabulous. And your all wondering ewww what is he eating, Well my dinner usually consists of Korean food, because my mom is Korean, But when my dad cooks we usually eat American food. So the meal consist of classic Korean food, Rice, Tofu, Kimchi, Gonchujong, witch is a Korean hot souse, Other korean side dishes, Fish, and Kim. And I took this picture thinking "oh what a great idea to take a picture of my food and post on my Blog" So I hope you enjoyed this post, I know the picture was bad, but I loved the food.
So peace out, and God Bless

Saturday, April 16, 2011


WOW!!!!!!!! Right when I got back form Church I was like, " I wish I could make 500 Views a day " and then I saw I have 600 views. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thanks guys, you never cease to amaze me.

Church Time

Today I am going to Church. The Church I am going to is City Bible Church, its a great Church, I play Bass there. Feel free to search it up online. Its really fun and I really get to get In touch with God. God Bless.


WOW!!!!!!!!!! I got 500 views. Thanks guys for helping me get to 500 views. Please help me to get to 1000, And whoever is reading this Then could you just tell everyone you know about it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!.

How Super Man should of ended.

Here is how Super Man should of ended.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lego Olympics Birds Nest

Here is the Chinese Stadium That was used for the Olympics. And the amazing thing is that Its so detailed. Its so amazing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is So Funny

Here is a really funny picture I found online. It really explains the Movie.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who do you think will Win?

As the Presidential Election are coming in 2012, I am going to ask all my viewers who they would like to Win. Here are the Main Candidates.
Donald Trump 
Mike Huckabee 
Sarah Palin
Mitt Romney
Barack Obama 
Ron Paul 
Post your Vote in the Comments, and tell me why you would vote for this Candidate. 

The Force Unleashed in Lego

I present to you, A Stop motion Film, Made by FancyPants. Its so smooth and realistic, just like it was Alive!!!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Zombie Outbreak

Send help.... Their coming..... We need Supplies.... Right away.... Hurry.... Their coming.... Ahhhhhhh........ Transmission Ended....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

This looks good

I would really eat this If it was not Lego. This is just amazing how can these people do this.  

Halo Reach Hiding in Team Doubles

Here we have Sleepymike7 playing Team Doubles On Halo Reach. And the funny thing is that him and his teammate both make one kill then hide for the lead. Its Funny stuff. 

Lego District 9 ARC Gun

Tyler Clites built a life sized replica of the ARC Gun from District 9. Nuff said. I'll leave you to picking up pieces of your Brain from the floor.

Black Ops Best Tomahawk Kill Ever

This is insane, How do these people do this its amazing. I really wish I could do this Poor me. :(

Sunny Day's, Good Times.

Today was very Sunny, It reminded me of Mars... LOL. No but really it did, Ah the Sun brings fond memories. Like when the time I was going to bike ride and i tripped and fell down, ah Good Times. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello, if your reading this than you have come to my Blog.
This Is a place of random thoughts that I will post. There will also be other things I will post, Like Lego's,Halo Reach, Black Ops, and Things that I did that day. So like the the Post Say's Welcome.